Delivery (运输)

  1. We will not be liable for packages lost in the mail therefore registered mail are highly recommended.

  2. If Customers choose to make use of registered mail, Customers are responsible for the registered mail of an additional S$2.24.
  3. Registered mail will be free with purchase of 10 pcs and above.
  4. We advice our customers to choose Registered Mail, so you can track and know where your items wherebouts.

Delivery Timings For In-stock (运输时间-存货)

Delivery in local: 1~2 days.

Delivery Timings For PreOrders (运输时间-预订)

Leadtime:Ex-factory Singapore: 2~3 weeks.

Add Delivery in local: 1~2 days.

*Lead time Exfactory Singapore depends on the stock availability.
Thank you for your understandings.

Delivery Methods (运输方式)

i) Normal Postage

ii) Registered Mail

iii) Cash On Delivery/ Meet-ups (*For customers living around Jurong East and Jurong West areas only)

Delivery Charges

